Annual Flowers for the landscape Need to use Fertilome Blooming and Rooting to give a little umpf after all the watering in our heat.
Keep a little journal of the plants that did well and the ones that underperformed. Look at the locations and determine if it was the location: soil type, light and water capacity. Sometimes we ask plants to perform without the chance of success. A small pot of petunias on the west side of the house in the blazin' heat doesn't stand a chance of surviving the summer heat. In our area, you need large volumes of soil (a big pot!) to make it through the summer blast furnace. Remember you have to feed them during the summer and as late summer comes, change your fertilizer to more nitrogen and less phosphate to bulk up the plant reserves. It's hungry and tired by that time! Would love to see pictures of the beauty you have created. You can e-mail them to: [email protected] . Enjoy the days ahead and what beauty lies in the heart of your work.
Annuals: In bloom when you buy them and continue to bloom all summer long!! Remember, success depends on putting the right plant in the right location. Shade loving impatience rewards you with constant blooms especially if you put them in really good potting soil. Geraniums and petunias love to bloom and enjoy the east side for the best performance. The heat and sun lovers consist of vinca, purslane, lantana, sweet potato and purple fountain grass. Remember to ask all the questions you want. We love to give answers and help anyone with grow their own green thumbs! Plants in the greenhouse will change 3 times during a week, so what's here now will be different and even more exciting next week. Come on over and take a really deep breathe of fresh air, soil and sunshine!