This is a beautiful and well maintained bermuda lawn. Easy care and only green for 3 months out of the year.
You lawn will look like this if you let it
get too tall before you mow!! Cool weather will protect it for now but in the heat of summer you will really stress it. Try not to cut more than 1/4 of the top any time you mow. As the heat gets here, start mowing taller. It shades the ground so the roots are cooler and the water doesn't evaporate so quickly. Water with 1 inch of water, one time a week. Change how you manage your sprinkle. DO NOT run it for 20 minutes every day. Causes the roots to live at the surface and they dry out very quickly. Hense, the $400 water bill!! Call with your questions!! |
Bermuda grass is brown and dormant with Fescue grass showing green. This lawn is mixed grass so you have 2 different looks in winter. It will all be green durning the summer.
Newly planted Thin Blade Fescue planted in 2015. Has been through one winter. Photo taken end of January.
Bermuda lawn with weeds.
Mushrooms develop when it's wet! As soon as it dries out, they will disappear. No need to sweat this. Now you could have them growing on the root system of a dead tree. That can be discouraging. Wait till the warm weather to see if they go away.